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Top Tips For Getting Yourself Beach Ready

Top Tips For Getting Yourself Beach Ready

Getting beach ready is something of an ordeal. There is so much to do and so much more than many people realise. You know the essential stuff you really need, like ordering a bikini or swimsuit, of course. Or making sure you have the right luggage. But what about those little bits and bobs we always forget? There really should be something of a checklist for tasks such as these. So, we decided to create one. Here is our list of a few things you need to do to get yourself beach ready.

Start At The Bottom With A Pedicure

A pedicure is an absolute must. You will be spread out on a beach lounger or on the sand for much of your holiday. So having your legs out means having the most customisable part of your legs out too. And those are your toenails. Getting a pedicure is a treat and we absolutely love doing it. It is relaxing, it feels wonderful, and the result is a gorgeous and well looked after set of nails. If you have a little splash of colour on your toe nails, people do take notice. They say that a little can do a lot and with something like nail polish, that is the case.

Now Match It With A Manicure

The same logic applies with your fingernails too. A little does a lot when it comes to beauty. A splash of colour on your hands goes even further though. We gesticulate with our hands and sue them for all of our practical activities. So a little polish and colour goes for miles. Then, of course, there is the manicure itself. A manicure isn’t all about colour, it’s about making sure your nails are well groomed and healthy too. Something like this is fantastic and really stands out and it makes you feel better too.

Fake Tan For Getting Beach Ready

Getting Beach Ready With Fake Tan

This seems silly to some, especially those who tan easily and quickly. Surely the first day abroad will handle this for you? For many women, the first day on holiday is a nasty run-in with the sun. If you go a bit more like a lobster in the sun than you’d like, this tip is for you. Add a layer of fake tan and use a good brand to do so. The best brands add SPF protection to your skin, meaning burning and redness doesn’t occur. This gently eases you into the process of tanning in the sun. It also just looks fantastic when done with a good and reputable brand, and can look very natural. Here is one you might love.

But First, Exfoliate Your Skin

This is partly a tip we would give to go with the one before. Exfoliation is a key part of the home tanning process. But now, we just mean for general purposes. Exfoliating your skin is a patient and long process, but it feels great. The benefits have been studied for a long time, and it is worth investing a little time in the process. Use a proper exfoliating pad with a slightly abrasive surface. Shower in lukewarm water, use a decent brand of exfoliator, and scrub in small circles. Be gentle throughout the process. This preps you for the fake tan tip above, but even if you aren’t tanning, it helps. You will feel your skin is healthier and younger. And it has to be to stand up to the sun, the salt of the sea breeze, and the heat.

Beat The Sea Breeze And Moisturise

Moisturising is the very foundation of getting beach ready. It is something that every single one of us should be doing daily. Keeping your skin moisturised is vital for long term skin health and longevity. And it will be your best shield against the more harmful aspects of the sun. If your skin is well moisturised before you arrive at your destination, you will be much better off. You will tan quicker, more safely, and your skin will weather the sea breeze and salty waters more easily. It is better for your health and it makes for a more enjoyable trip when you feel good.

Any Other Tips For Getting Beach Ready?

So is there anything else to think about before you go away? Of course there is! Getting beach ready is very rarely as easy as just pampering yourself for a day at the spa. There is so much to sort out, but chief among them is your swimwear. That is, from our personal point of view, of course. Well, don’t worry. Of all the things that we have to recommend today, it is swimwear that we have plenty of. To see a fantastic range of amazing swimwear to take away with you, look right here.